Friday, April 10, 2009

boredom is freedom from motivation

so i'm at work with nothing to do... this job is so hot and cold, one second i'm swamped and the next i'm starting my own blog to pass the time.

anyways great news, i've starting feeling like a human being again! YES, the massive doses of levoquin have finally killed the demon virus that was in me. now i'm just struggling to fight off allergies, that seemingly keep getting stronger every year? as they say, getting older ain't fun. i remember when the sight of pollen meant absolutely nothing to me, but now i hate the color yellow because of it and try to hold my breath when i'm walking to and from my car just to avoid it.

i'm headed to G'ville for the weekend to spend time with THE BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER. i can't wait to see her! last weekend was the pitts with the funk i had, so i'm looking forward to a great time.